For our final week of our Theme-Based Lessons, two groups presented. Gina and Rachel presented their "Memory" lesson based on the artist Mike Kelley and his work. We discussed Kelley's sculpture model of all the places he remembers as a child, and we looked at his complex of different buildings. Four our activity, we had to focus on a place where we spent a lot of time as a child and build a small model of that place using our sensory memory as a guide. Everyone was fully engaged in this making process, and though the goal was to simply start our model and finish it next class, everyone was disappointed when we had to stop and clean-up. Another aspect of the art activity was that we were planning on combining our models into a collaborative complex, which is something I think would have been pretty cool to see completed. The second and last group to present consisted of Chris and Amanda, whose "Conflict" lesson focused on text and image in art. Chris performed a thorough demo of a collage technique using water and glue that I had never tried before. This was the most successful of the demos from our class's lessons, and it was very helpful since the art activity was to create a collage based on a personal conflict in our lives using text and images from magazines. This was an engaging process that we also did not have time to finish in the allotted time. At the conclusion of our Theme-Based Lesson presentations, I felt that our group of classmates really supports one another in giving out praise as well as helpful criticism. These lessons were good practice, and even though it was not in a "real" classroom, everyone did their best to simulate near-realistic conditions. I thought as a whole the lessons were well planned out and everyone seemed to give forth their best effort. This was a good exercise for our class to grow and learn from each other, as I am sure we will continue to do for the remainder of the semester.